Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sweet Indulgences Sunday #33

We have our first official holiday event on Monday evening. My older son will be performing Christmas songs with his class at the PTO meeting. I'm looking at it as the official kick-off to the holidays! But, I've been getting my holiday fix for a few weeks now watching the Hallmark Channel. Lifetime is also showing some good Christmas movies. I love settling down at the end of a long day and watching movies designed to pull at my heartstrings.

Shopped for a little while earlier today and bought a couple of rolls of parchment paper, some more sprinkles, treat boxes, and some snowmen measuring cups. Now, if only I can squeeze in some time to start my baking.

What has everyone been up to this week? Based on some of your blogs - a lot. And, it's all festive!! Can't wait to see what you have brought to the party!

P.S. I've got another giveaway going - Faye Porter's At My Grandmother's Knee. Drop by and enter the giveaway.

Last Week's Top Recipes

from Fantastical Sharing of Recipes

from No Raisins On My Parade

from Lark's Country Heart

Thanks to everyone who linked up last week! There were so many wonderful recipes!

The Rules...

  1. Please link up to the URL of your specific recipe post, not the URL of your main blog. When it asks for "Name", type in the name of your recipe.
  2. Please place a link back to this post in your original post or Grab My Button.
  3. Share your most recent dessert. Link up as many desserts as you would like. More is always better when it comes to desserts!
  4. Leave me a comment in this post to let me know that you've joined the party. Also, if you're having your own linky party, feel free to post the link to your party in the comment section. I would love to join your party!
  5. Now, let's share the love! Please visit at least two others and comment on the delicious desserts that they've brought to the party. It means so much to a blogger to get some positive commentary!
The party starts here:


  1. Thanks for reminding me - I need parchment paper! I've been baking a ton and have so much more to do...

  2. I have shared 14-Karat Cake. Thank you for hosting!

  3. What fun to see your kid perform! My little Gracie will be performing for the first time on her guitar in a Christmas show too :) Have a fantastic weekend and get baking :)

  4. Thank you for hosting. Busy busy shopping for gifts this week. 45 minutes in line at Toys R Us is no fun!

  5. @Lyuba - Toys R Us isn't fun for me under any circumstances. I feel for you.

  6. Thanks for hosting - hope you're having a blessed holiday season!


  7. Kim, thanks for hosting. I haven't done any official holiday baking yet...just putting some stuff in the freezer, but that's normal for me :)

  8. Thanks for hosting such a delicious round up! It's definitely a holiday baking inspiration!

  9. Thank you for hosting :) Those sweet cinnamon rolls look amazing!


I love reading and responding to your comments. While links to your food/family-related blogs are welcome, no solicitation is allowed. Thank you for your understanding.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.