
Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year, New Cookbook: "Petite Treats"

by Christy Beaver and Morgan Greenseth
Ulysses Press

Have you resolved to stop buying pre-packaged, store-bought desserts? Are you determined that this is the year that you bake from scratch? Then, this new cookbook, Petite Treats, may be perfect for helping you keep at least one resolution this year.

New Year, New Cookbooks

by Teri Lynn Fisher and Jenny Park
Quirk Books

The new year starts tomorrow! I'm sure that many of you are busy making your resolutions. Some of you may be planning to diet, to cut your spending, or to cook from scratch. I'm resolving to do a combination of all three of those. If one of your resolutions is more cooking and entertaining at home, then Quirk Books has two new cookbooks that you may want to consider adding to your collection.