Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An April Fool's Day Treat

A couple of weeks ago, I saw these on another blog, Our Treasured Home. I quickly bookmarked the page and then bookmarked my brain: I had to make these for my kids to take to school on Friday for April Fool's Day. It's very rare that I'm able to pull off anything cutesy, but these looked simple enough even for me. I was so excited that they turned out well! When I told my kids they would be taking bacon and eggs to school on Friday, my older son said, "Just bacon for me. You know I don't like eggs." But, who can resist these Sunny-side up babies?

The bacon: three pretzel sticks

Egg whites = vanilla bark (mixed with a little shortening to make it smooth)

And, finally, the best part - M&M yolks!

I got an assembly line going. I counted out all of my pretzels and lined them up. Melted the bark in the microwave until it was smooth. Spooned a small amount into the center of the pretzels.

Immediately top with an M&M before moving on to the next piece of "bacon". You don't want the "white" to set before you get the "yolk" on there. Let set until completely dry.

 Have fun!!!


  1. Soooo sooo cute. Thanks for sharing! I made them last night and this morning I told my kids that I had made them bacon & eggs for breakfast. Boy, were they surprised! :)
    I served juice with make up for the lack of nutrition. ;)

  2. Hi Christa! My kids took them to school today and they were so excited about them! Glad your kids enjoyed them!

  3. I've made these before from a picture that was posted on Pinterest. The only difference was the pretzel sticks were broken in half and the two halves placed on top of the "eggs"


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